You have no items in your order list.
You have no items in your order list.
If you're not 100% completely satisfied with your purchase, we will happily accept your return and provide a full refund to the value of the product's purchase price. To return your purchase, the item must be unused and in the original packaging. The product must be in the same condition as you received it with tags and/or labels still intact. With our 14-day right of return policy there are no special catches, it's extremely simple.
If you want to exchange something on your order for something else, then simply return what you don’t want and place a new order for what you require on our website.
1. Complete the returns form here and press submit. Your submission will be received by one of our team, who will process your request.
2. Using existing packaging, or a good alternative carton, return package via New Zealand Couriers, attaching the delivery label included.
3. Send returns to: E-Returns at 120 Pavilion Drive, Mangere, Auckland 2022
4. Keep a record of your shipment until you have received credit or refund.
For additional information on our return policies, please e-mail us at